If you are a bedding out plant person and love this time of year to pot up some planters, hanging baskets and flower beds, it never fails to wait until the first full moon of June which is Friday, June 13, for fear of frost and the four letter word SNOW is still possible. My plants are safely tucked in the garage waiting for me this weekend, I have waited long enough!
It seemed like the magazines and books I came across this week all followed the new gadget, techy items available to us. These lights were very cool, and yes I am sure they come with a cost but one can dream.
and then to accessorize them they have color cords
take the time to read the story of these two very inventive entrepreneurs and earth friendly guys
quote of the day;
"Creativity, which is the expression of our originality, helps us stay mindful that what we bring
to the world is completely original and cannot be compared."
Brene Brown