Friday, January 10, 2014

friday links

I have been having lots of trouble uploading photos on the blog this week, so haven't sent any awesome pictures of the new handmade 100% wool leg warmers, arm warmers, hats, mitts, and socks! check them out on our facebook page.

Not one for new years resolutions, but there is something exciting about starting fresh on Jan 1st with so many great opportunities to embrace, new places to explore, and to let go of what is not working in ones life.

With the huge amount of snow this winter has brought, and still to come, this link was pretty cool

The mountain view film group has the 2014 movie pic's out, check out what is coming this Sunday, Jan 12 at 3 pm

My Christmas gift from my husband this year was a 6 week course with Brene Brown on living wholeheartedly, starting this Sunday! here is a link on what I will be learning, will keep you posted, have a feeling this may be "life changing"

Show compassion to those you meet and most of all yourself.