Thursday, November 28, 2013

Friday links

I am away this Friday so posting this a day early. We are less than a month  from the Christmas holidays and this link has been on my facebook page from a few people, thought it was worth sharing

For those of you interested in watching some local TV  the olds station has a program to watch on your computer/laptop check out and those who are hooked up with the ONET network go to channel 144. All the programs give great information on things happening right here is our community.

I know I posted this link a while back, but it is truly an interesting concept and find it very interesting.

Second chances and do overs are a gift! pay it forward today and you too will be given a gift.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Consignment is still arriving daily, a variety of items from sweaters, coats, tops and jeans, hand bags and jewelry.

RW&co size lrg
handmade feather earrings

There are a couple things going on this weekend for the festive season, the olds fashioned Christmas light up and Santa Claus parade, and check out the old fashioned insert for other opportunities to get out and enjoy the festivities.