Friday, December 20, 2013

friday links

I have started to really like Friday links, there are so many stories out there with very cool ideas, heartwarming messages, and entertaining.

this one is full of faith and what a great spirit this person has, overflowing with joy

I cant  help to think this women has it all, freedom from debt, and a cozy place to call home

"where there is a will there is a way", a clever and environmental way to stay charged

Happy Holidays, may your stockings overfloweth with happiness and gratitude!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

fun stuff

reFinds Christmas holiday hours are
Dec 24, 10-4pm, Closed Dec 25,26,
Dec 31, 10-5pm 
 Closed Jan 1
happy holidays everyone!
There have been so many great items arriving this past week, here are a few
New size 8.5

some funky dr martens both size 9
hand crafted leather bracelets by kymmberly frank
there are still some cozy knitted toques, circle scarves and shawls to choose from
Stay warm, more snow is on the way...