Rain Rain go away, come again another day.... nice to have the rain to wash away the dust and turn everything vibrant green. The lilacs are starting to bloom, the apple trees are in blossom and the perennials are showing their beauty, ahh the joys of spring.
Graduation is this Saturday in Olds, lots of families dressing in their finest and attending the ceremonies to celebrate the achievements of their son or daughter. As a proud mom of my own grad, I cant wait to go and see the big day that marks his passing of grade 12.
A theme to the links this week, in one word KINDNESS. A very small, simple word that packs a lot of power. Just being kind to yourself and others can truly make a huge impact...
Wayne Dyer puts it quite simply in this youtube
and the next time you are asked if you need a bag for your purchase, keep this in mind, a little change will go a very long way to help
quote of the day;
"It's all really very simple. You don't have to choose between being kind to yourself and others. It's one and the same".
Piero Ferrucci
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